The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Locus of Control on Burnout among Special Education Teachers in Egypt


  • Alaaudein, A . Alnaggar College of Education Kafr El Sheikh University


Emotional Intelligence, Locus of Control, Burnout, special education teachers


The main purpose of the present study was investigate the interactive and relative effect of emotional intelligence and locus of control on burnout among Special Education Teachers in Egypt. The study made use of simple random sampling in selecting 280 (160 male, and 120 female) special Education teachers from three special education schools located in Kafr EL Sheikh Governorate. The study sample responded to three valid and reliable instruments; Emotional intelligence scale, The Teacher Burnout Scale, and The Teacher Burnout Scale. Data analysis involved the use of Pearson correlation and multiple regression procedure to investigate predictive capacity of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The results indicated that the two independent variables, when taken together, were effective in predicting Burnout.


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How to Cite

Alnaggar, A. A. . (2014). The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Locus of Control on Burnout among Special Education Teachers in Egypt. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 3(3), 3–11. Retrieved from

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