A Qualitative Study on Identifying Problems in North Cyprus Education System



Education System, Educational Problems, Student, Teacher, Administrators


The purpose of this study is to determine the problems experienced in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) education system, to evaluate them in the context of the opinions of the stakeholders (teachers, principals, assistant principals), and to determine the causes and possible solutions to these problems. Qualitative Research Method was utilized in this study. Maximum variation sampling method was used to determine the participants. The study group consisted of 37 people (20 teachers, 5 principals and 12 principal assistants) working in secondary schools located in Nicosia, TRNC. Semi-structured interview schedules were used as data collection tools. The findings revealed student-based, education-based and teacher-based problems in the TRNC education system. Regarding the student-based problems the participants stated that foreign students, whose number has increased in recent years, do not speak Turkish; also, the classes are crowded. For the education and teaching-related problems, teachers stated that they did not have enough time to cover the curriculum and there were insufficient examples in the textbooks. Regarding the teacher-based problems, the lack of in-service training, the insufficient number of counsellors and special education teachers were stated. Participants emphasized the importance of planning, organizing, ordering and supervision so that problems would not arise. The purpose of this study is to determine the problems experienced in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) education system, to evaluate them in the context of the opinions of the stakeholders (teachers, principals, assistant principals), and to determine the causes and possible solutions to these problems. Qualitative Research Method was utilized in this study. Maximum variation sampling method was used to determine the participants. The study group consisted of 37 people (20 teachers, 5 principals and 12 principal assistants) working in secondary schools located in Nicosia, TRNC. Semi-structured interview schedules were used as data collection tools. The findings revealed student-based, education-based and teacher-based problems in the TRNC education system. Regarding the student-based problems, the participants stated that foreign students, whose number has increased in recent years, do not speak Turkish; also, the classes are crowded. For the education and teaching-related problems, teachers stated that they did not have enough time to cover the curriculum and there were insufficient examples in the textbooks. Regarding the teacher-based problems, the lack of in-service training, the insufficient number of counsellors and special education teachers were stated. Participants emphasized the importance of planning, organizing, ordering and supervision so that problems would not arise.


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Author Biographies

Gaye Türker

Atleks Sanverler Secondary School,
ORCID: 0000-0002-6799-2193

Fatoş Silman

Full Professor
Cyprus International University,
E-mail: silman@ciu.edu.tr
ORCID: 0000-0003-0815-5632


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How to Cite

Türker, G., & Silman, F. (2020). A Qualitative Study on Identifying Problems in North Cyprus Education System. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 9(3), 7–16. Retrieved from https://www.perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/101

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