An Investigation of the Professional Values of Elementary Teachers Based on Parents Views




Professional values, Teaching profession, Class teacher, Parents


The basic key to achieving success in education is the teacher. When studies and the literature about effective teacher qualities are investigated, it appears that personality traits, academic educational history and experiences of teachers are important. Current research revealed that teachers provide qualified education with their professional values and this elevates the quality of education. Class teachers, especially, have a duty in socialization of the child. The professional values of teachers in the primary school period appear to have a significant effect on the academic success and future of students. In this research, the professional values of primary school teachers were investigated according to the opinions of parents of primary school students. This research used qualitative methods and techniques for data collection and analysis. The results of the research revealed the importance of being a researcher teacher in the context of class teaching as a profession requiring continuity in primary school, parents of students had very high levels of awareness about the professional values of class teachers and had high expectations from class teachers. These results show the need to invest in class teacher education to cultivate versatile class teachers who are equipped with professional values to be able to cope with changing problems in the 21st century and to achieve success in education.


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How to Cite

Karabacak, N. (2023). An Investigation of the Professional Values of Elementary Teachers Based on Parents Views. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(3), 544–560.

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