Examination of the Opinions of Pre-School Teachers Regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic Period's Reflection of Pre-School Education
COVID-19, preschool period, education, distance education, teacherAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to examine the opinions of preschool teachers about the distance education process in preschool education in the COVID-19 pandemic. The research is designed as a case study, one of the qualitative research designs. The working group consists of 22 preschool teachers. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool. The data obtained in the research were examined separately by the two researchers and content analysis was carried out. Miles and Huberman's formula was used to calculate reliability among researchers and the harmony was found to be 86. When the views of the preschool teachers who participated in the study are investigated, it is seen that the teachers carried out distance education activities through "the use of technology and the cooperation of the family" during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this process, teachers stated that they had problems with "children, families, participation and technology". It is seen that there are teachers who use different methods and techniques when preparing daily plans, as well as teachers who cannot perform activities that support social development. All preschool teachers participating in the research think that the COVID-19 pandemic process has negative effects on children such as social-emotional development, physical and psychological violence in the family environment. In distance education, it is seen that families support children especially in "preparing a learning environment". Teachers expressed that the COVID-19 pandemic process leads to a different experience in their professional development and that they use new methods and techniques.
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