Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence and Burnout





Teacher burnout, Teacher emotional intelligence, Seniority, Age, Branche


The purpose of the study was to examine the predictive power of Turkish teachers’ sub dimensions of emotional intelligence, gender, education, professional education, seniority, and age for sub dimensions of teacher burnout. Participants consisted of 536 teachers from Şanlıurfa, Turkey. Participant ages ranged from 20 to 51 years. Participants responded to the Turkish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educator Survey, and EQ-NED which was developed by Ergin, Işmen, and Özabacı (1999) to measure teachers’ emotional intelligence. Stepwise regression analyses were conducted for each sub-dimension of teacher burnout. Results revealed that three sub dimensions of EQ (perception of own feelings POE, understanding others’ feeling UOE, regulating emotions RE), teaching branches and years of experience explained 13.9% of the variance in emotional exhaustion. RE, UOE and POE explained 21.7% of the variance in depersonalization. Finally, RE, ages and teachers’ branches explained 36.9% of the variance in personal accomplishment. Accordingly, implications and contributions are discussed.


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Author Biographies

Hüseyin Kotaman, Harran University

Ergin Demirali, Trakya University

Fatih Karacabey, Harran University


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How to Cite

Kotaman, H., Demirali, E. ., & Karacabey, F. . (2022). Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence and Burnout. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V11.N1.01

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