Aggression and Emotional Intelligence As Predictors of Phubbing
Phubbing, aggression, emotional intelligenceAbstract
Our skills and attitudes have an effect on our behaviors. Phubbing, which is described as ignoring the interlocutor during communication by focusing on the cellphone, is also highly effective in our behaviors. In this context, this study aimed to determine the predictive effect of aggression and emotional intelligence on the level of phubbing. The study group consisted of 768 adult individuals [Female:461, Male:307] living in different provinces of Turkey. Participants’ ages ranged from 22 to 57. The data of the study were collected using the Phubbing Scale, KAR-YA Aggression Scale, Emotional Intelligence Scale, and a personal information form. According to the findings obtained from the study, there was a significant negative relationship between phubbing and emotional intelligence, a significant positive relationship between phubbing and aggression, and a significant negative relationship between aggression and emotional intelligence. According to the preliminary analysis, sex did not cause a significant difference in phubbing scores, while marital status and level of education caused a significant difference. According to the results of the hierarchical regression analysis, emotional intelligence and aggression were found to be predictors of phubbing behaviors. The research findings were discussed under the literature, and some recommendations were made.Downloads
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