The Predictive Power of the Problem-Solving and Emotional Intelligence Levels of Prospective Teachers on Their Self-Directed Learning Skills
Self-directed learning, Problem-solving, Emotional intelligence, Prospective teachers, Faculty of educationAbstract
This study aims to determine the predictive power of the problem-solving and emotional intelligence levels of prospective teachers on their self-directed learning skills. This is a descriptive study with a relational screening model. The sample of the study consisted of 476 prospective teachers studying at the Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences at Yozgat Bozok University. “Self-Directed Learning Skills Scale” developed by Aşkın (2015), “the Problem-Solving Inventory” developed by Heppner and Peterson (1982) and adapted into Turkish by Şahin, Şahin, and Heppner (1993), and the “Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale” prepared by Schutte, et al. (1998), revised by Austin, Saklofske, Huang and McKenney (2004), and adapted into Turkish by Tatar, Tok, and Saltukoğlu (2011) were used to answer research questions. In data analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis were used according to the normality test results. It was found that the self-directed learning skill levels of the participants was high, there was a significant relationship between their levels of self-directed learning and their emotional intelligence and problem-solving levels, and problem-solving and emotional intelligence together explained 25% of the total variance in self-directed learning skills. Based on these findings, recommendations were offered, especially in educational environments, to carry out activities that support problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence, thus supporting self-directed learning.Downloads
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