The Predictive Relationship between Lifelong Learning Tendency and Occupational Efficacy Sense of Pre-Service Teachers
Lifelong Learning Tendency, Teacher Self- Efficacy, Pre-Service TeachersAbstract
Lifelong learning is the habit of learning for both personal and professional issues and being aware of the developments in these both areas. On the other side, occupational self-efficacy means the sense of capacity of a person for his/her readiness to perform the required duties related to a certain occupation. These two concepts, lifelong learning and the sense of occupational self-efficacy, are significant factors for both teachers and pre-service teachers in order to carry the teaching profession accurately. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between lifelong learning tendency and occupational self- efficacy of pre-service teachers. The sample of the study which was conducted in survey model consists of 407 pre-service teachers who studies in different disciplines at Faculty of Education, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey. The data of the study was gathered through Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale which was developed by Diker Coşkun (2009) and Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale which was developed by Tschannen-Moran and Hoy (2001) and translated into Turkish by Çapa Aydın, Çakıroğlu, & Sarıkaya (2005). As the results of the study, it was found that pre-service teachers studying at different departments of faculty of education perceive both occupational self-efficacy and lifelong learning on high level. As another finding of the study, there is a significant correlation between the occupational self- efficacy perceptions and lifelong learning tendencies of pre-service teachers. As the last part of the results of the study, motivation is a significant predictor for teacher self-efficacy, efficacy in student engagement and efficacy in classroom management and furthermore, learning deprivation is a significant predictor for teacher self-efficacy, efficacy in instructional strategies and efficacy in classroom management.Downloads
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