Comparison of Pedagogical Beliefs of English and Urdu Teachers
teachers, beliefs, education, comparative analysisAbstract
It is very essential to understand all the phenomena and circumstances running within the process of education or teaching-learning setting, some of the factors that should be considered on the top of the understanding list are pedagogical beliefs and practices of teachers. Pedagogical beliefs and practices are very much related to the tactics, ways, methods and strategies that teachers use for facing or challenging coming in their routine professional line. These are also essential for refining teaching and students’ learning atmosphere for keeping their motivation and interest up for enhanced performances. The objective of the study was to compare the pedagogical beliefs of English and Urdu teachers. In order to achieve the objectives of this study related literature was reviewed. A questionnaire on the basis of reviewed literature on five point Likert scale i.e. 5 = Strongly Disagree, 4 = Disagree, 3 = Undecided, 2 = Strongly Agree, 1 = Agree was used for data collection. Random sampling technique was used to draw sample from the population of school teachers from all public -sector secondary schools of the Lahore. Two English and two Urdu teachers were selected randomly from each school total 660 secondary school teachers of Lahore 330 Urdu teachers and 330 English teachers were the sample of the study. Frequency and percentage and t. test used for data analysis. The study revealed that Urdu teacher had High level of pedagogical beliefs in comparison with the English teachers. Which indicates that Urdu teachers recognize themselves more proficient and comfortable in caring out of their responsibilities of teaching as compared to the English teachers. Urdu teachers felt High level of contentment and comfort in involving their students in class activities, planning better approaches to increase students’ interest, and handle complex situations in the class during teaching as compared to English teachers.Downloads
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