Disaster Education in Primary School: A Qualitative Research Based on Teachers’ Opinions
Disaster education, Disasters, Primary school teachers, PhenomenologyAbstract
This study aims to reveal the opinions of classroom teachers on disaster education in primary school. The study was conducted within the scope of phenomenology, one of the qualitative research methods, with 22 classroom teachers working in different regions of Turkey in 2020-2021 academic year. The study data was collected with the semi-structured interview method, and the collected data was analysed through content analysis. As a result of the study, it was determined that classroom teachers have knowledge and awareness about the concept of disaster, that disaster education is an urgent necessity for Turkey, and that disaster education is indispensable for preparing for disasters. In addition, it was stated that disaster education should be given through doing-living experiences and that these should be applied and made permanent. It has been determined that technology-supported disaster education provided using different teaching methods-techniques should not be limited to classrooms and be benefited from other environments. As a result, it was demonstrated that it is necessary to benefit from the power of education on the way to "Turkey Ready for Disasters" and "Education Year for Disasters" and that disaster education in primary school should be operative, permanent, concrete, doing-living, outdoor and technology supported.Downloads
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