Development of Science Education Peer Assessment Scale: Validity and Reliability Study


  • Adem Ozdemir Adnan Menderes University
  • Yasemin Koc Mustafa Kemal University
  • Kerim Gundogdu Adnan Menderes University


Science education, peer assessment, scale development, validity, reliability


The aim of this research is to develop a scale that prospective science teachers in the Education Faculties compare themselves to their peers according to the "Science field Teacher and Professional Skills" courses. For this reason, 25 items related to Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Science Experiments and Professional Skills courses were prepared. Scale forms prepared in 5 scaled Likert types were administered to 298 students enrolled in 2nd, 3rd and 4th years in two universities. Data were analyzed in SPSS 22.00 for Exploratory Factor Analysis (AFA) and in the Lisrel 8.8 statistics software for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (DFA). As a result of the AFA, the factor load is not determined as its own factor by subtracting 1 item from the contingent item and 1 item. The remaining 23 items, obtained from the Varimax analysis, resulted in 5 sub-dimensions including four field education and one occupational skill dimension. The total variance explained by the structure is 72.62% and the factor loadings range from 0.66 to 0.89. BMD value 0.89 Barttlet test significance level p<0.001. The reliability coefficient of the scale is Cronbach α = 0.91. The Gutman Split-Half and Spearman-Brown coefficients are also good for the scale and both coefficients are 0.92. According to the results of DFA, the compliance indices are quite good (RMSEA= 0.051, Chi-square= 387.75, df= 217 RMR= 0.04, CFI= 0.98, IFI= 0.98, RFI= 0.95, NFI= 0.96, NNFI). = 0.98, GFI = 0.90, AGFI = 0.87). According to these results, it may be said that this scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool that science teacher candidates can compare their knowledge and professional skills in this area with their peers.


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How to Cite

Ozdemir, A. ., Koc, Y. ., & Gundogdu, K. . (2018). Development of Science Education Peer Assessment Scale: Validity and Reliability Study. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 7(2), 93–103. Retrieved from

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