Development and Validation of the Professional Development Needs Scale: Evidence from Turkish School Principals
Scale development, Policy reform, Professional development, Leadership, School principalsAbstract
This study aims to develop a Professional Development Needs of School Principals Scale (PDNSP) to measure in-service training needs of school principals in Turkiye. The Turkish Ministry of National Education launched a new plan called Education Vision 2023 in November 2018. The Plan has emphasized the importance of supporting both administrative and leadership skills of school principals. The PDNSP was developed based on this policy reform and the current study presents validity and reliability evidence of the scale. The PDNSP was developed based on this policy reform, and the current study presents validity and reliability evidence of the scale. The exploratory, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability analysis were conducted to evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale. The results suggest that the PDNSP is a reliable and valid tool to assess the professional development needs of school principals. Furthermore, the findings show that the Turkish school principals require professional development in specific areas such as financial management, leadership capacity, and vision and values.
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