How Responsible Are Turkish Secondary School Students for Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Scale Development and Implementation Study
Distance learning, responsibility for learning, COVID-19 pandemic, validity, reliabilityAbstract
The purpose of the current study is to investigate the distance learning responsibility levels of secondary school students attending schools in the Aegean Region of Turkey by developing a scale of responsibility for distance learning. The study is a descriptive study employing the survey model. Two different study groups were used in the current study. In the first stage, a total of 477 secondary school students attending schools in the cities of İzmir, Denizli and Muğla in Turkey in the 2020-2021 school year were included in the study group to develop the Scale of Responsibility for Distance Learning. In the second stage of the study, the study group is comprised of 2043 secondary school students selected from among the secondary school students attending schools located in the cities of İzmir, Manisa, Aydın, Denizli, Muğla, Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya and Uşak in the Agean Region of Turkey in the 2020-2021 school year. The data were collected face-to-face and online via Google Forms during COVID-19 pandemic by using the Scale of Responsibility for Distance Learning. According to the findings of the study, the scale is a valid and reliable scale with adequately satisfied psychometric features. Another finding of the current study is that the participating secondary school students’ responsibility scores vary significantly depending on the city where they attend the school, grade level and gender.Downloads
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