Teacher Adaptation of Child Development Assessment Scale (CDAS) into Turkish and Evaluation of Development of 5-Years-Old Children
Cognitive development, language development, motor development, social development, emotional development, pre-schoolAbstract
This study was conducted to examine the adaptation of the Child Developmental Assessment Scale (CDAS) to Turkish and the developmental evaluations of 5-year-old children in terms of various variables. A general screening model was used in the study. The study group of this research is composed of children aged 5 years who continue to the official independent kindergartens of the Ministry of National Education in the county centre of Bilecik and private nursery and daycare homes. As a data collection tool in the research, the General Information Form created by the researcher and the CDAS developed (2014) by Andrée Pomerleau, Nathalie Vézina, Jacques Moreau, Gérard Malcuit and Renée Seguin were adapted to Turkish. For the linguistic equivalence of the scale, translations were first made in Turkish. The necessary statistical analyzes were used after the translation procedures and implementation. For the reliability studies of the scale, internal consistency coefficient Kuder Richardson and item total correlation analysis were performed. For the validity studies, the opinions of the expert academicians were analyzed by Kappa analysis and the validity of the contents was examined and the item strength and discriminative power of each item in the measure were calculated. The Kuder Richardson score for the reliability of the CDAS was found to be 0.79 in the applied groups. The high KR-20 values in the applications showed that the internal consistency of the test was high. According to expert opinion, the validity of coverage and linguistic equivalence studies were found to be sufficient. These results suggest that the Child Development Assessment Scale is valid and reliable for children aged 5 years.Downloads
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