Examining the Reflection of Mathematics Education on Sustainable Development in the Light of the Quality of Life Index in Turkey, PISA and TIMSS


  • Habip Mehmet Sevgi Selçuk University
  • Soykan Uysal Selçuk University


Education, Mathematics Education, Sustainable Development, Quality of Life Index in Turkey, PISA, TIMSS


There is a linear relationship between the levels of development of people and countries development. So, if a country wants to be developed, it should increase the level of the development of the citizens. The most effective way to increase the level of the development of the society passes through education. The countries which are investing on education provide sustainable development at the same time. It is possible to see its examples in our environment. In this paper, we are going to collapse the title of education in to mathematic education and examine the relation between mathematic education and sustainable development. Based on mathematic education process may increase the levels of development of individuals, obtaining sustainable development is going to be emphasized. The mentioned situation is going to be supported in the light of the quality of life index in Turkey, PISA and TIMSS practices with examples.


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How to Cite

Sevgi, H. M., & Uysal, S. (2014). Examining the Reflection of Mathematics Education on Sustainable Development in the Light of the Quality of Life Index in Turkey, PISA and TIMSS. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 3(2), 21–32. Retrieved from https://www.perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/355

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