The Effect of A Phonological Awareness Intervention Program on Phonological Memory ,Phonological Sensitivity, and Metaphonological Abilities of Preschool Children at-Risk for Reading Disabilities
phonological awareness, phonological memory, phonological sensitivity, metaphonological abilities preschool children at-risk for reading disabilitiesAbstract
The Purpose of this study was to explore the effect of a phonological awareness intervention program on phonological memory ,phonological sensitivity, and metaphonological abilities of preschool children at-risk for reading disabilities.. The participants in this study were 40 preschool children selected from three preschools located within three elementary schools in Baltim Educational Edara. A pre- post design was used to examine the effectiveness of the phonological awareness intervention program on phonological memory, phonological sensitivity, and metaphonological abilities of the target children. Findings from this study indicated the effectiveness of the phonological awareness intervention program on phonological memory, phonological sensitivity, and metaphonological abilities of the target children. On the basis of the findings, the study advocated for the effectiveness of the phonological awareness intervention program employed on phonological memory, phonological sensitivity, and metaphonological abilities of the target children.Downloads
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