The Impact of Repeated Reading Intervention on Improving Reading Fluency and Comprehension of Emirati Students with Learning Disabilities


  • Hala Elhoweris College of Education at United Arab Emirates University


learning disabilities, intervention strategy, repeated reading, elementary education, UAE


Reading is a major problem for most students with learning disabilities in the United Arab Emirates. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of repeated reading intervention strategy on improving oral reading fluency and reading comprehension of 47 United Arab Emirates students with learning disabilities. All participants were assigned to a reading strategy condition. Participants completed pretest and posttest on reading skills. Data was analyzed using t-test measures. A statistical significant difference was found in the pretest scores and posttest scores. In other words, the results of this study indicated that repeated reading strategy is an excellent instructional intervention to teach reading to children with learning disabilities.


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How to Cite

Elhoweris, H. (2017). The Impact of Repeated Reading Intervention on Improving Reading Fluency and Comprehension of Emirati Students with Learning Disabilities. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 6(2), 36–48. Retrieved from

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