Promoting the Vocational English Language Competences of Students in an English for Specific Purposes Context: A Needs Assessment




Needs assessment, vocational English, English for Specific Purposes (ESP)


The purpose of this study is to examine the vocational English language needs of students in an ESP context in the Accommodation and Travel Service department at a vocational and technical Anatolian high school. The study is a partially mixed sequential equal status design. While convenient sampling method was employed to select students, criterion sampling method was utilized to select teachers and supervisors as participants. As a result, 25 ATS students, two vocational course teachers, two English teachers and three supervisors contributed to this research. A survey, semi-structured interview forms and open ended questions in the open interview were employed respectively to collect data from students, teachers and supervisors. In the analysis of the survey data both qualitative and quantitative methods were put into effect. On the other hand, the interview data were analysed through systematic content analysis, inductive coding and thematizing. The result of the analysis of the data revealed that students in this specific context were in need of improving particularly their speaking and listening skills. Low self-confidence of students, negative attitude toward speaking the language, lack of use of appropriate materials; strategies and methods during instruction emerged as issues of consideration in order to reach a resolution. Finally, lack of an appropriate curriculum, lack of strong school-enterprise relationships and inadequate professional qualifications of teachers emerged as issues to be considered by decision makers.


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Author Biographies

Nevin Avcı

Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum and Instruction 
Middle East Technical University
ORCID: 0000-0002-8490-6074

Cennet Engin-Demir

Full Professor
Curriculum and Instruction
Middle East Technical University
ORCID: 0000-0003-1561-5182


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How to Cite

Avcı, N. ., & Engin-Demir, C. . (2021). Promoting the Vocational English Language Competences of Students in an English for Specific Purposes Context: A Needs Assessment. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(3), 125–139.

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