Teacher Perceptions on Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Academic English Module



critical thinking skills, academic English, classroom activities, eacher perceptions


The current study explores the perceptions of a group of Academic English (AE) lecturers on their views on critical thinking in teaching English for academic purposes and the ways they believe this can be developed, if at all. The findings suggest that the majority of teachers believe in the importance of touching upon critical thinking in their classes. They consider evaluating information, analyzing, logical reasoning, arguing, reflecting, and problem-solving are among the main strategies needed for developing critical thinking skills and believe that that they can be developed in the academic English language classes. The results of the second survey (second stage) showed that AE teachers believe Academic English should be responsible for incorporating critical thinking into their teaching. The main activities perceived to be effective were debates, class discussions, evaluating presentations, listening for main ideas and details, reading for the main idea and evaluation of sources, writing argumentative essays, academic reports and reflection.


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Author Biographies

Dildora Toshpulatova

Academic English Lecturer Global English Department, Westminster International University in Tashkent, Tashkent Uzbekistan

Aisulu Kinjemuratova

Academic English Lecturer Global English Department, Westminster International University inTashkent, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


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How to Cite

Toshpulatova , D. ., & Kinjemuratova, A. (2020). Teacher Perceptions on Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Academic English Module. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 9(1), 48–60. Retrieved from https://www.perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/141

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