Evaluation of 5th Grade English Curriculum According to Stufflebeam’s Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) Model
Curriculum Evaluation, Fifth grade English Curriculum, Language TeachingAbstract
Communication is the transfer of any sensation, thought or information to the other side in different ways. The most important means of communication among people is language. Foreign language is called as languages except native language. English is very important as the first foreign language in our country and it has become an effective tool for communicating, participating in international business activities and learning about events around the world. Language teaching is more than educating a class; it is a process involving different activities, and it is the teacher's responsibility to determine when and how learners will interact in the classroom environment. English teachers want to provide their students with the information they need to be competent at a certain level of target language and English curriculum has also been changed. Curriculum evaluation is considered as an element of the curriculum. For this reason, the purpose of the this study is to assess the Secondary School 5th grade English Curriculum according to Stufflebeam's CIPP model, depending on the teacher's opinions. In this study, it is aimed to present an existing situation by referring to teachers' opinions on Secondary School English Curriculum, thus a descriptive model was used and this is a "single case study" .The sample of the research consists of 10 teachers who actively work in a private school in the province of Aydın in the academic year of 2017-2018.Semi-structured interview form was used to determine the opinions of teachers ,who are practitioners of the 5th grade in secondary school, about English Curriculum .The interview form consists of 12 questions, 3 for context evaluation, 3 for input evaluation, 4 for process evaluation and 2 for product evaluation. In this context, as a result of the interviews made with the teachers as the practitioner and the expert of the curriculum, it has been inferred that the curriculum has not been properly fulfilled in an assessment and measurement as a result of the partial deficiencies when we analyzed the content, process and product. This case indicates that those who implement the curriculum are undecided about the curriculum.Downloads
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