Lonileness, Internet Addiction, and Mental Health Among Adolescents: A Mediation Model





Loneliness, Mental Health, Internet addiction, Mediation Model, Adolescents


The aim of this research was to investigate the mediating role of loneliness between Internet addiction and Mental Health among adolescents. This cross-sectional study was conducted with feedback from self-reported questionnaires completed by adolescents. Adolescents are students in secondary school in Sadat City. Convenience sampling, which is a non-random sampling method, was used as the sampling method in the study. Within the scope of the study, the scale forms were applied to 440 adolescents.  20 forms were excluded from the study as a result of irregularly filled and extreme values that emerged as a result of the calculation. In total, analyzes were made on 420 data.  As indicated by the findings, there are positive and significant relationships between loneliness and Internet addiction. While there is a negative significant relationship with Mental Health. This study highlights the Importance of investigating the mediating role of loneliness between internet addiction and mental health among adolescents.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, A. R. (2023). Lonileness, Internet Addiction, and Mental Health Among Adolescents: A Mediation Model . Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(3), 522–530. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V12.N3.01