Investigating the Mediation Effect of 21st Century Skills between Teachers' Decision Making Styles and Professional Autonomy




21st Century Skills, Decision Making Styles, Teacher Autonomy , Professional Autonomy, Basic Mediation Model


This correlational research design study aims to examine the mediation role of 21st century skill between teachers' decision making styles and their professional autonomy, based on the theoretical framework. The population of this study consists of 910 teachers working in the Nazilli district of Aydın province in the 2021-2022 academic year. In the study, the maximum diversity sampling method was used and responses were received from 435 teachers through ‘Personal Information Form’, ‘Multidimensional 21st Century Skills Scale’, ‘Teacher Autonomy Scale’ and ‘Decision Making Styles Scale’. Inferential statistical calculations were made and construct validity and mediation tests were conducted. As a result, it was seen that the direct effect of teachers' decision making styles on their professional autonomy was 0.55; when 21st century skills were included in the model as a mediation variable, this effect decreased to 0.40 and this value was still statistically significant. In this respect, it was determined that there was a partial mediation role between teachers' 21st century skills, decision making styles, and professional autonomy. In addition, the Sobel Z test was applied to examine the mediation role and it was determined that the mediation effect was statistically significant (z=3.91; p<.05). In light of these findings, the fact that the effect of decision making style decreased after 21st century skills were added to the model, but this effect was still significant, showed that 21st century skills were a partial mediation variable in this relationship. Teachers with the high 21st century skill were found to be able to act professionally autonomous enough in decision making situations. It is expected that determining the direction and roles of the relationship between these variables and presenting them as a model will contribute to the literature, serve as a source for teachers and researchers, and provide inspiration for new studies.


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How to Cite

Erol, A., Dinçer, B., & Aksu, G. (2023). Investigating the Mediation Effect of 21st Century Skills between Teachers’ Decision Making Styles and Professional Autonomy. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(2), 350–370.

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