The Effect of Mental Exercise and Repetition Studies on the Mental Performance of 7th Class Students of Primary Schools


  • Emine Çoban Ataturk University
  • Birol Alver Ataturk University
  • Ali Aslan Ataturk University


Mental exercise and repetition, Mental performance


The purpose of this experimental study is, taking into consideration variables such as gender and school type, to investigate mental development of 7th grade primary school students through having the students do mental exercise and repetition studies. While the experimental group has been applied a mental development program with mental exercise and repetition studies for a 6-week time, the other group has not received the same application. In this study data related to students mental development is collected throug4h Cattell’s mental test, developed by Cattell (1957) and adapted by Togrol (1974), and the achieved crude points are turned into points related to mental parts. In this study T-test and ANOVA are applied to analyse whether there’s a meaningful differentiation between pre-test and post test scores. At the end of this study these findings have been obtained: A meaningful differentiation cannot be seen between the pre-test and post-test point averages related to mental parts of girls and boys according to their gender. In terms of being a private school or states school there is not a meaningful differentiation in mental parts between the pre-test points averages, however there is a meaningful differentiation in the post test points averages in the favour of private schools. There is not a meaningful differentiation between the experimental group and control group in mental parts pre-test point averages, however there is a meaningful differentiation in the favour of experimental group in mental parts between the point averages in post-test. Generally there’s a meaningful relation in a positive way in the favour of post-test points between the pre-test and post-test point averages related to mental parts.


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How to Cite

Çoban, E. ., Alver, B. ., & Aslan, A. . (2013). The Effect of Mental Exercise and Repetition Studies on the Mental Performance of 7th Class Students of Primary Schools. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 2(1), 68–80. Retrieved from

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