The Mediating Role of Loneliness in the Relationship Between Maladaptive Thinking Styles and Emotional Expressivity
Maladaptive thinking styles, Emotional expressivity, Loneliness, Structural equation modelingAbstract
This study investigated the mediating role of loneliness in the relationship between maladaptive thinking styles and emotional expressivity. Participants were 1042 [776 (%74.5) female and 266 (%25.5) male, range age = 17–28, M age = 20.02, SD age = 1.69] young adults enrolled at university. “Berkeley Expressivity Scale” to determine their emotional expressivity, “Maladaptive Thinking Styles Scale” to determine the maladaptive thinking styles, and “UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-8)” to determine their loneliness levels were used. In the study, the data were analyzed with the structural equation model. Also, the bootstrapping method was used to test the significance of the indirect effect. As a result of the structural equation model, loneliness has been found to play a partial mediating role in the relationship between maladaptive thinking styles and emotional expressivity. In other words, maladaptive thinking styles predict emotional expressivity both directly and through loneliness. Also, the result of the bootstrapping method has shown that this indirect effect is significant. The findings discussed in the context of the relevant literature and recommendations for future research given.Downloads
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