The Effect of Conflict Resolution Physchoeducation Programme on the Secondary School Sixth Grade Students Attitude Towards Violence and the Level of Agression
Conflict resolution, aggression, attitude towards violenceAbstract
The purpose of this study is; to examine the effect of conflict resolution physchoeducation programme on the secondary school sixth grade students’ attitude towards violence and the level of agression. In order to examine the effect of conflict resolution pyschoeducation programme on the secondary school sixth grade students’ attitude towards violence and the level of agression, quasi-experimental pattern with pre-test-post test control group was used. The study group of the research consists of 20 students. Among this group of 20 students, 10 students formed experimental group and 10 students students formed control group. To choose the students to the conflict resolution pyschoeducation programme, “Agression Scale” developed by Gültekin (2008) was applied. The Conflict Resolution Pyschoeducation Programme consisted of 8 sessions. It was applied throughout 8 weeks including 8 sessions, each lasting 40 minutes. No studies were led with the control group. In the study, “Attitudes Toward Violence Inventory” which was developed by Blevins (2001) and adapted to Turkish by Balk?s, Duru and Bulu? (2005) was used as data collecting tool. It was tested whether there are meaningful differences among pre-tests and post tests of Experimental and Control Groups by using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. At the end of the research of conflict resolution pyschoeducation programme, no meaningful differences were observed on the agression levels of students in the experimental group. Nevertheless, it was observed that the scores of attitude towards violence were decreased. No meaningful difference were observed on the scores of students in the control group agression and attitude towards violence.Downloads
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