Effectiveness of a Pivotal Response Training Programme in Joint Attention and Social Interaction of Kindergarten Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder



pivotal response, joint attention, social interaction, kindergarten children with autism spectrum disorder


The purpose of this study was to provide a training program based on pivotal response for children with autism spectrum disorder, which may affect positively on improving their joint attention and social interaction. Participants were six female children enrolled in public and private kindergartens and autism programs in Zulfi, Saudi Arabia for the second semester of the year 1435/1436 AH, who were diagnosed as having autism disorder. For data collection, Joint Attention Skills Inventory For Kindergarten Children with Autism Disorder, and Social Interaction Scale of Kindergarten Children with Autism Disorder were employed. A single group, pre-post and follow up design across participants was implemented. Six participants, data were obtained during pre, post-treatment, and at one-month follow-up. The study results showed that the pivotal response training intervention was effective in increasing joint attention skills (initiating and responding to signs, eye contact and follow the gaze of others, attract others' attention while playing, follow the instructions, Sharing feelings and emotional state and imitation) and social interaction (belonging to the group, communication, and cooperation) of all children participated in this study. Recommendations for further research were discussed.


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Author Biography

Mona Tawakkul El Sayed Ebrahim

Assistant Professor of Mental Health and
Special Education
Department of Educational Sciences
College of Education
Majmaah University, Al- Majmaah, 11952,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



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How to Cite

El Sayed Ebrahim, M. T. . (2019). Effectiveness of a Pivotal Response Training Programme in Joint Attention and Social Interaction of Kindergarten Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 8(2), 48 – 56. Retrieved from https://www.perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/159

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