Uncovering Turkish Science High School Students' Learning Strategy, Inquiry-Oriented Self-efficacy, Task Value, Achievement Goals: A Structural Equation Modelling Analysis





Science high school, Chemistry learning conceptions , Learning strategies , Science high school chemistry , Achievement goal orientation


In the literature, the characteristics of students with high skills in the subjects of science and mathematics are generally examined independently of the social learning environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between achievement goal orientation, inquiry oriented self-efficacy, learning strategies and task value and to present that relationship with various models. This study was carried out with 292 students from Science High School (SHS) in Turkey in the 2018-2019 academic year. In this research, two models were tested with relational screening designs as theoretical models for the relationship between the learning strategies used by SHS students and their inquiry-oriented self-efficacy (IOS) and achievement goal orientations (AG). The IOS scale, the AG scale, semi-structured interview forms, and the learning strategies scale were used as data collection tools. Collected data was analysed using the Multiple Regression Analysis. The first model is developed according to a task in which scientific inquiry is valuable, considering the goals of the SHS chemistry curriculum, while the second model is designed according to a task in which competition and test scores are valued rather than scientific inquiry. Contrary to expectations, it is surprising that performance goal orientation (PE) is mediated through the learning strategy and IOS that SHS students use, as much as they explain their chemistry learning conceptions with the test score.


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How to Cite

Feyzioğlu, B., & Demirdağ, B. (2023). Uncovering Turkish Science High School Students’ Learning Strategy, Inquiry-Oriented Self-efficacy, Task Value, Achievement Goals: A Structural Equation Modelling Analysis . Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(1), 118–133. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V12.N1.08

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