The Effect of Task-Based Out-Of-Class Activities on Language Learning Processes to Create a Natural Language Environment in Teaching Turkish to Foreigners




Teaching Turkish to foreigners, out-class activities, task-based teaching, Mongolia


In the interaction environment, individuals are considered as social actors who perform various tasks in society and use language in various fields while doing these. Activities performed using language for a purpose are called tasks. Organizing out-of-class activities with such tasks in an activity environment aimed at getting to know the target language and culture for learners, is effective in increasing motivation and creating a realistic language environment.In this study, it is aimed to introduce the task-based activities performed outside the classroom with Mongolian students learning Turkish in order to create the closest environment to nature by carrying language teaching out of the classroom in Mongolia, where Turkish is taught as a foreign language, and to reveal the effects of these on the language learning processes of the students. In the study, which was designed with a holistic single case study pattern, the activities that students learning Turkish in Mongolia do outside the classroom under the guidance of researchers during their active education periods is presented in detail in three categories as 'programs, academic activities and social activities'. The opinions of fifteen Mongolian students, who were determined by stratified sampling method, about these activities and their effects on the process were examined. It was seen that these increase the students' ability to use Turkish, teach them how to use the language in which situation, and increase their motivation to learn language positively.


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Author Biographies

Fatma Albayrak, İstanbul Medeniyet Universty

Nilüfer Serin, Trabzon University


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How to Cite

Albayrak, F., & Serin, N. (2022). The Effect of Task-Based Out-Of-Class Activities on Language Learning Processes to Create a Natural Language Environment in Teaching Turkish to Foreigners. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(1), 404–423.

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