Barriers in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Use in Educational Environments Scale


  • İbrahim Göktaş Adnan Menderes University
  • Aynur K. Geçer Kocaeli University


Instructional technologies, integration of technology, barriers to use of technology


Integration of technology into teaching-learning process is crucial for effective and permanent learning. This importance has been increasing through the development and extension of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and has become obligatory. However, it cannot be said that technology has reached the desirable level in integration into teaching-learning environments. Although there are numberless factors which affect this case, the literature has highlighted educators’ attitudes, self efficacy perceptions, insufficient incentives, lack of hardware and so on. There have been validity and reliability studies in the literature that aimed at integration of instructional technologies into classrooms in Turkey and at exploration of barriers to use of technology, but no Turkish scale has been found. This is the main reason for the research which aims at validity and reliability analyses of the “Difficulties in ICT Use in Educational Environments Scale”. As a result of the study, a measurement tool is developed. The tool is called “Difficulties in ICT Use in Educational Environments Scale”, which consists of a total of 13 items grouped under the following headings: “Poor Infrastructure/Hardware”, “Insufficient Information Resources” and “Personal Incapability”.


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How to Cite

Göktaş, İbrahim ., & Geçer, A. K. (2014). Barriers in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Use in Educational Environments Scale. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 3(3), 34–43. Retrieved from