Developing a Perception of Decentralization Scale in the Educational Administration for Turkey




Decentralization, Educational Administration, Education, Scale


The purpose of the research was to develop a scale to achieve a decentralized structure of the educational administration system, contribute upon scientific studies, reveal the reasons for the negative perceptions of administrators and teachers against decentralization, test its validity and reliability and make an evaluation in terms of various variables in Turkey. Descriptive survey was used on 899 teachers and administrators with the official grant of Adana governorship. Validity, reliability, and internal consistency tests and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed for construct validity, and t-test and ANOVA analysis were performed for determining the differences between the variables., A three-factor structure of 36 items was created at the end of the exploratory factor analysis. It was observed that there was a significant difference at p<.05 level of significance between the perceptions of the variables of gender, participation status, preference, and the institution they worked, and there was no significant difference between the variables of age, seniority, educational status, and marital status.


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Author Biographies

Suphi Turhan, Adana Provincial Directorate of National Education

Ahmet Güneyli, European University of Lefke


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How to Cite

Turhan, S. ., & Güneyli, A. . (2022). Developing a Perception of Decentralization Scale in the Educational Administration for Turkey. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(1), 355–381.

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