Problematic Factors on Students’ Learning in Higher Education
Higher education, Students, Learning, Problematic factors, Content analysisAbstract
It is quite important to know and analysis the problems and gaps in students’ learning to operate quality management system in higher education. In order to determine the problematic factors in students’ learning in higher education, a long-term survey was conducted among university students and they were asked an open-ended question. Content analysis was used on students’ reflections about the problematic factors of their own learning. At the end of the content analysis, twelve main problematic issues about students’ learning were determined. After analysing the reflections of higher education students, it was found that there were 141 problematic statements reflected about the issues that create problems on their learning and affect them negatively. Based on these statements totally 12 main-themes and 18 sub-themes were determined. When the main themes that emerged are examined, it is seen that they can be divided into two main groups. While the first four main problematic themes are related to the institutional dimension, the remaining eight themes consist of issues arising from the individual characteristics of the students. The most important problematic factor in students’ learning in higher education is related to qualifications and behaviours of lecturers.Downloads
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