Views of Master’s Students at Health Sciences on Their Academic Self-Efficacies
Academic self-efficacy, Academic writing, Master’s studentsAbstract
The study explored the academic self-efficacies of Master’s students’ at Kırklareli University’s Graduate School of Health Sciences. The study was carried out during the Fall semester of the 2016-2017 academic year. The participants included eight female and one male master’s student. The qualitative study employed the phenomenology design. Content analysis was conducted for data analysis. The data was collected using a semi-structured interview form made up of 14 open-ended questions. The collected data is presented using mind maps. The study results revealed Master’s students’ views on their self-efficacies in academic writing, research methods and techniques, data collection and analysis, academic socialization, and other factors affecting their academic self-efficiency. The study results showed that, for academic self-efficacy, the work discipline came first. The students believed that they were adequate in doing homework and were meticulous, but were inadequate in writing projects, articles, books, and book chapters. Students were indecisive about which method and technique they should choose, found their existing knowledge levels low, felt inexperienced, and they felt like they needed to do more research. They also felt inadequate in using the terminology related to the field during data collection.
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