Development and Testing of an EPSS for Secondary School Teachers to Develop Contents and Material
EPSS, Digital Material, Technology IntegrationAbstract
This study aims to develop an Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) for secondary school teachers to develop contents and materials, and to determine the views of teachers. The study used a design-based research method and the data were collected through interview and observation technique. Before developing EPSS, a semi-structured interview was made with 11 teachers, out of various branch teachers working in secondary school, in order to determine the needs of teachers. After developing EPSS, a two-week process was determined for the teachers to use the platform and the teachers were monitored for whether they used this platform during this process and the technical support required for them to use the platform effectively was provided. The data collected were analyzed by Nvivo program and themes were created. According to the results; the teachers using the platform have stated that it is generally a practical system, that it provides motivation and self-confidence and makes them happy as it allows designing their own materials, and that the sources added to the platform are sufficient. Finally; it can be stated that the developed EPSS will allow performing experimental studies on teachers and that different scales can be used in future studies.
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