Psychometric Evaluation of the Turkish Version of the Covid-19 Induced Anxiety Scale and Protective Behaviors Towards Covid-19 Scale
COVID-19, Protective Behaviors, Induced Anxiety, ScaleAbstract
The purpose of the present study was to adapt COVID-19 Induced Anxiety Scale (CIAS) and Protective Behaviors towards COVID-19 Scale (PBCS) into Turkish language, and to investigate their psychometric properties. 593 adults participated in the study. Data were collected through CIAS and PBCS as well as The Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCS). Cronbach alpha (α) and McDonald’s Omega (ω) coefficients were utilized for reliability of the Turkish forms of the scales, and validity of the scales was tested with exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and criterion validity. The analysis showed that α and ω reliability coefficients of both scales were over .70. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed that CIAS had a single factor structure while PBCS had three dimensions as indicated in original forms of the scales. Significant and positive relationships were also found between the scores obtained from CIAS and PBCS and fear scores. To conclude, Turkish forms of CIAS and PBCS were proved to be valid and reliable tools to measure severity of COVID-19 induced anxiety through CIAS and individuals’ protective behaviors towards COVID-19 through PBCS.Downloads
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