Analysis of the Effect of Mind Mapping Studies on the Acquisition of the Concept of Time Among 60-72 Month-Old Children




Acquisition of the concept of time, Mind mapping, Mind mapping intervention, Early childhood, Pre-schoolers


This study aims to analyze the effect of mind mapping studies on the acquisition of the concept of time among 60-72 month-old children. The research was conducted with 30 children who attend a preschool in Istanbul. The Mind Mapping: Concept of Time Program was applied to 15 children in the experimental group of the study, for 12 weeks. Pre-test and post-test data for the study were gathered through the Time Concept Achievement Assessment Scale. It was found that the total post-test scores of the children in the experimental group obtained using the scale and their total post-test scores obtained from the Sub-Scales of Before-Now-After, Morning-Noon-Evening-Night, Month, Year, and Time Indicator Tools were significantly higher than those of the children in the control group. As a result of the study, it was set forth that mind mapping studies are an effective strategy for children’s acquisition of the concept of time.


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Author Biographies

Özgül Polat, Marmara University

Elif Kurtuluş Küçükoğlu, Marmara University

Ebru Aydın, İstanbul Kültür University


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How to Cite

Polat, Özgül ., Kurtuluş Küçükoğlu, E. ., & Aydın, E. . (2022). Analysis of the Effect of Mind Mapping Studies on the Acquisition of the Concept of Time Among 60-72 Month-Old Children. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(1), 254–269.

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