An Examination of Gifted Students' Perceptions of Their Social-Emotional Skills and Peer Relationships
Gifted Students, Gifted, Talented, Social Emotional Skill, Peer RelationAbstract
Social-emotional skills are effective in the self-awareness and control of the individual's emotions. These skills should be evaluated together with peer relationships as they play an important role in the communication of the individual with other individuals around him/her. In this study, the social-emotional skill perceptions and peer relationships of gifted students were examined in the survey design. The study group consists of 216 gifted students who studied at Science and Arts Centers (SAC) in Turkey, where specially gifted students were selected through a national exam result, in the 2019-2020 academic year. The data were collected through The Scale of Perceived Social-Emotional Skills, The Friendship Qualities Scale, and the Personal Information Form. Results showed that there was a significant correlation between The Scale of Perceived Social-Emotional Skills and The Friendship Qualities Scale. In addition, this study found a significant correlation between the perceptions of social-emotional skills and the total scores of peer relations, conflict, help, and protection, which are sub-dimensions of peer relations.
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