Bullying and Social Emotional Learning Among Junior High Students: A Theoretical Model Approach


  • Esin Özer Adnan Menderes University


Bullying Social, Emotional Learning, Junior high school students


The present study aimed to construct a theoretical model based on the correlation between social emotional learning and coping with peer bullying in junior high school students and to test this theoretical model with respect to the gender variable.The study group included 295 students attending a junior high school in Düzce province (Turkey) during the 2016- 2017 academic year. 140 participants were female and 155 were male. 40 students were seventhgradeand 255 were eighth grade students. Social Emotional Learning Skills Scaleand Bullying scales were used as data collection instruments.It was found that the impact of self-worth development skills on victim dimension for female students was β = - 220 (p < .05 ), and the impact of self-worth development skills on victim dimension for male students was β = -. 385 (p < .05). The findings that the problem-solving skill was effective on bullying among the females (β = -. 216, p <.05) and the effects of the problem solving skill (β=-.144, p<.05) and coping with stress skills (β=-.235, p >.05) on bullying among the males.


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How to Cite

Özer, E. . (2018). Bullying and Social Emotional Learning Among Junior High Students: A Theoretical Model Approach. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 7(1), 125 –. Retrieved from https://www.perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/256