Risk Taking Behavior as Predictors of Self Compassion in University Students
Self-compassion, risk taking behavior, suicidal tendency, university students, drug useAbstract
The present study was aimed at investigating to what extent self compassion of unıversıty students was predicted by their risk taking behavior sub-dimensions. The sample of study included 658 undergraduate students from different faculties of a public university during the 2018-2019 academic year. In order to collect the data in the study, Self Compassion Scale, Risk Behaviors Scale and Personal Information Form are used. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used in the analysis. The results of the study revealed the highest correlation between self compassion scores and suicidal tendency, which is one of the sub-dimensions of risk-taking behavior. In addition, it was found that together with the sub-dimensions of risk taking behavior, it explained 38.2% of the variance in self-compassion scores and It was found that the variable that most predicted self-compassion was suicidal tendency. Findings were discussed and interpreted in the light of literature.Downloads
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