Prospective Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Opinions About The Use Of Computers In Teaching And Learning


  • Enver Tatar Ataturk University
  • Muzaffer Okur Ataturk University


Computer assisted mathematics instruction, dynamic mathematics software, GeoGebra, Excel, prospective mathematics teacher


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of a computer assisted mathematics instruction course, in which Excel and dynamic mathematics software are introduced, on prospective primary mathematics teachers’ perceptions regarding the use of computers in mathematics. The sample of this study was composed of 41 volunteer prospective teachers studying at the department of primary school mathematics teaching. The research data was collected via a test composed of open-ended items. In view of the study, it has been observed that a computer assisted mathematics instruction course positively affects prospective primary mathematics teachers’ perceptions regarding the use of computers. Furthermore, prospective teachers expressed that computers must be used in mathematics courses, since they provide visualisation, concretisation, knowledge retention and the opportunity to provide more examples, save time, draw more accurate shapes, increase interest in the course and facilitate learning.


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How to Cite

Tatar, E. ., & Okur, M. . (2013). Prospective Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Opinions About The Use Of Computers In Teaching And Learning. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 2(1), 103–113. Retrieved from

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