Preservice Social Studies Teachers’ Opinions about Mobile Augmented Reality Applications
Educational technologies, Augmented Reality, mobile augmented reality, social studies, teacher candidatesAbstract
The aim of this study is to reveal the opinions of social studies preservice teachers about their experiences during an action research on mobile augmented reality. In line with the aim of the study, a total of 46 preservice teachers (25 female, 21 male) studying in the second year of a social studies education program of a state university in the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year were determined as the study group. In the data collection phase of the research; focus group interviews, researcher diaries, observation reports were used. During the interview data analysis, the content analysis method was used. The findings obtained from the interviews were also supported by the observation and researcher diaries. Finally, the data about the devices that the participants have and their level of using these devices were collected through the personal information form, and then tabulated and interpreted. The knowledge background of the participants required to perform Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) activities was found to be inadequate. The participants reported that the use of AR on mobile devices increases accessibility, fosters interest, supports active participation, and improves perception. On the other hand, they reported that that its use in education concretizes the abstract concepts, ensures learning retention, enhances success and encourages collaborative learning. The MAR was also found to be perception-changing, enjoyable, motivating, growth-enhancing, and facilitative from students’ perspective. From educators’ perspective, the findings indicate that MAR increases productivity, supports the resourcefulness of the teacher, and keeps the teacher social.Downloads
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