The Association of Career Talent Self-Efficacy, Positive Future Expectations and Personal Growth Initiative
Career talent self-efficacy, Positive future expectations, Personal growth initiative, Career development, College studentsAbstract
In this study, the association between positive future expectation and personal growth initiative as predictors of career and talent development self-efficacy is examined. Convenience sampling method was used for sampling and the research sample consisted of 419 voluntary students. Career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy Scale, Positive Future Expectations Inventory, Personal Growth Initiative Scale were used as data collection instruments. The predictive relationship between the variables was examined by multiple linear regression analysis. According to the results of the analysis, there were significant and positive relationships between career and talent development self-efficacy, positive future expectation and personal growth initiative. Positive future prospects and personal growth initiative explain 32% of career and talent development self-efficacy.Downloads
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